All cattle must be branded with the Co-op brand prior to the Supervisor’s Inspection. No cattle will be paid for until the branding, inspection and loan documents are completed and advanced, and the security deposit required is in place. The brand is Shelter Over Diamond on all 6 locations (RS, RH, RR, LS, LH, LR). Assignment of brand location is at the discretion of the Supervisor.
All cattle purchased through self purchase or by private treaty, must be brand inspected by a Livestock Identification Services Brand Inspector, with a brand manifest jointly made out to Chinook Breeder Co-op and the member confirming the vendor’s brand.
Cattle purchased through an auction market or from a Licensed Livestock Dealer are not required to have a L.I.S. brand inspection done.
Any identifier number brands used, must be on the same side as the brand, but on a different location. It is strongly recommended for the Member to also put identifier tags on Co-op livestock of a different color than the Members’ herd tags. Using a different color would allow for easier recognition of the Co-op livestock within the herd when inspections are done.
Cattle may be branded either at the point of purchase (ie: auction market) or at your premises, but must be done in a timely manner (within 48 hours) as the Coop will not pay for the cattle until they have been branded and inspected by the Supervisor (and the loan documents signed, security deposit in place, and loan has been advanced).
All offspring from cows under contract, MUST be branded with the Co-op brand within 4 months of birth or no later than being put on summer pasture, unless the member makes his annual payment no later than the early payment deadline - June 1 (spring calvers) or Dec 1 (fall calvers), whichever applies to their calving period. It is imperative that you notify the Supervisor when you are going to brand so that he can inspect them while gathered and prior to them going to summer pasture, grazing reserves, etc.
Sheep and Goats
All sheep and goats must be ear tagged with a dangle tag with the Shelter Over Diamond on the tag in the left ear, RFID tag in right ear, and a paint brand with a matching color to the tag.
Lambs & Kids must be tagged and paint branded within 24 hours after birth.